OPEN CALL AKIYA AIR Residency Programme 2024

OPEN CALL AKIYA AIR Residency Programme 2024
| published by MONO MAKERS MEET

Together with the local partner MUJUN, Stichting MONO JAPAN introduces the new artist in residency programme. Join us for the AKIYA AIR Programme 2024, an immersive three-month residency from October to December 2024, open to Dutch artists, designers, and researchers.

Set in the beautiful town of Yunotsu, Japan, this programme transforms vacant houses (Akiya)—a significant societal issue in rural areas—into creative havens. Participants will have the unique opportunity to live in Akiya, experience rural living, and explore diverse creative endeavours while contributing to the revitalisation of Yunotsu.

Yunotsu features stunning natural beauty, rich traditional culture and history, and a dedicated team led by Shinya Kobayashi of MUJUN, who are working to rejuvenate Yunotsu by building a new, open community with the dream of hosting an Art & Craft Festival in 2027.

Apply now to join this inspiring programme that breathes new life into Yunotsu.

This programme is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Japan.

created by dji camera

Programme Schedule

Application period:
Monday, 24 June – Friday, 26 July 2024  (UTC + 2 CET)

Selection of finalists
Finalists will be notified by email from Stichting MONO JAPAN on 2 August 2024.

Final Selection
Period for online interviews: between 3 – 20 August 2024

Announcement of the selected artist:
The selected artist will be notified by email on Thursday, 29 August 2024. The announcement is scheduled for the same date.

Public presentation
A public presentation will take place on Sunday, 15 September 2024 at Nieuwe Instituut during the MONO JAPAN Fair, together with MUJUN and Stichting MONO JAPAN.

Yunotsu Town is situated in the southwestern part of Oda City (Ōdashi), centrally positioned in Shimane Prefecture along the Sea of Japan. Accessible via the JR Sanin Main Line and National Route 9, the town features a coastline dotted with natural harbours, including the historically prosperous Yunotsu Port. During the Edo period, the port flourished as a shipping hub for the nearby Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and later served as a port on the San’in sea route, exporting timber, bamboo, and Iwami pottery during the Meiji period.

Today, Yunotsu remains an active fishing port and a shipping centre for locally produced silica sand. The region is predominantly mountainous, with approximately 80% covered in forests. Agriculture and forestry are the primary industries, complemented by coastal fishing activities such as single-line fishing.


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