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OPEN CALL AKIYA AIR Residency Programme 2024

OPEN CALL AKIYA AIR Residency Programme 2024
Together with the local partner MUJUN, Stichting MONO JAPAN introduces the new artist in residency programme. Join us for the AKIYA AIR Programme 2024, an immersive three-month residency from October to December 2024, open to Dutch artists, designers, and researchers. Set in the beautiful town of Yunotsu, Japan, this programme transforms vacant houses (Akiya)—a significant societal issue

MONO JAPAN Fair 2024

The 7th edition of MONO JAPAN Fair in Rotterdam
We are excited to announce that tickets for the seventh edition of MONO JAPAN Fair are now available for purchase! MONO JAPAN Fair will be held from September 13th to 15th in Rotterdam at two exclusive boutique hotels: Hotel âme and Supernova Hotel. These charming venues will transform into unique exhibition spaces, presenting a carefully curated selection of exquisite Japanese

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